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Winter Break

Dec. 16th 2022

With Candle Light Ceremony, CDS is going on a winter break!

College Counseling also will take the break, but you can still reach us via Eamil. We don't stop during the breaks because the college application doesn't have break. So No worries!

Please contact us if you have any questions but give us a little bit of time to answer your questions.

Have a wonderful winter break and see you all in January 9th!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Church Candles

Rochester Institute Technology

Dec. 7th 2022

Rochester Institute Technology visited CDS and shared the information about the school with students. The admission officer left us a broacher. So, if you want to look at it or have any questions about the school, please visit us! 

Also, on the Ms. Ackerman's glass wall, there is a QR code to register for a session too. Please check it out.

Korean/Social online seminar

Dec. 5th 2022

Mr. Lee and Mrs Lee has doing a short seminar for each grade to explain what changed, and what to expect. It started with 12th graders on Thursday Dec. 1st, with 11th graders on Friday Dec. 2nd, and today with 10th graders, and tomorrow with 9th graders.

It is mandatory to all, but if you missed the meeting, you can get the information from your friends who attended and or check with us!

You know where to find us when you have any questions!

Image by ibmoon Kim

Dec. SAT is done

Dec. 3rd 2022

The last SAT before Digital SAT is DONE!

We had little less than 80 students and Ms. Ackerman, three proctors and Ms. Han were there to manage the SAT.

Next SAT is in March and you will have to bring fully charged computer of your own. Collegeboard will inform you more about it if you were registered for the Digital SAT .

Keep up with the emails that they send you and if you have any questions please ask Ms. Ackerman to confirm.

Monash University in Seoul

Nov. 18th 2022

Monash University had a session in Seoul and Ms. Ackerman went to the session for our CDS students. If you were interested in Monash University please make an appointment with Ms. Ackerman to find out more.


Junior Parents Seminar

Nov. 11th 2022

Mr. Lee had a Junior Parents Seminar today. Thanks to those who could be here to take the session.

Mr. Lee talked about Korea, HK, and Singapore process and general information about all Asian Countries that he is in charge of. If you missed the meeting today, please book an individual meeting so that we can discuss more in depth about your child in private.

Portland State University

Nov. 4th 2022

Portland State University representative was with Ms. Ackerman for a meeting today. Ms. Ackerman got some good information about the school and the rep gave her the brochures.

PSU offers a good amount of scholarship ready and there are opportunities for international students, too.

If you want to find out more about Portland State, please ask Ms. Ackerman. 


Art Institute of Chicago

Nov. 3rd 2022

Art Institute of Chicago representative came to CDS and shared a good amount of information with us. If you missed today's very private session, don't worry, you can make an appointment with Ms. Ackerman and ask all you want!

Also, if you are working on an art portfolio, please let us know how it is going. 



Digital SAT

Nov. 1st 2022

From March 2023, as you might already know, SAT will be in digital format. And Collegeboard hosted a session in Seoul to explain the differences and changes.

Ms. Ackerman attended the session today. If you have any questions about Digital SAT, please ask Ms. Ackerman to find out more.


Ritsumeikan University (Kyoto)

Oct. 27th 2022

Ritsumeikan University came to CDS and shared the information about the school with Mr. Lee and Ms. Han. If you want to see the booklet and pamphlets, please ask Ms. Han. Ritusmeikan offer dual degree from Australia also. Also, there are couple more online sessions in Oct. and Nov. If you were interested, please check College Counseling Wall of Posters.

Monash University

Oct 26th 2022

Monash University representative came to CDS giving a presentation to some of our students. Juniors and Seniors attended this session and got a lot of information from the rep. 

She left us colorful booklets, so if you want to read through these books, come find Ms. Ackerman. Also. if you have any questions about the college, please ask Ms. Ackerman.



Oct. 26th 2022

CDS's popular choice, HKUST, came to CDS and shared a lot of information with students. Juniors and Seniors students were in the session and got HKUST's broacher and QR code.

Those who wants to apply colleges in HK region, you should already started writing essays and meeting with Mr Lee. and if you have any questions, please book Mr. Lee. 



Asia Pacific University (Ritsumeikan, Beppu)

Oct. 25th 2022

A professor from Ritsumeikan APU came to CDS and met with Mr. Lee and Ms. Han having a long informative conversation.

The professor from APU shared a lot about the college and left us a booklet. If you want to look through, please visit our office looking for Ms. Han. The professor wanted to come back to give a session for you to taste of what college course would like in the near future. 



Berklee College of Music

Oct. 20th 2022

Berklee College of Music came to CDS and talked with students. The Assistant Dean of Admissions shared good information about Berklee. It was a short session, but Students got the QR code to get more information even after the session.

If you have more questions about Berklee College of Music, please meet with Ms. Ackerman and ask what you want to find out.



UC Showcase

Oct. 19th 2022

University of California, Irvine and University of California, Santa Cruz came to CDS explaining what is important for students to think and prepare for applying University of California.

They've showed us videos and QnA session after presentation.

If you were interested in applying UCs, please visit Ms. Ackerman to get some advice. 


USC Visit

Oct 19th 2022

University of Southern California came to CDS introducing USC and what to expect from admission officer's point of view.

He showed students many photos of USC spirit sharing website and QR code for students to actively find more information about USC.

If you have questions about University of Southern California, please visit Ms. Ackerman to find out more.

UBC Visit

Oct. 19th 2022

University of British Columbia came to CDS and shared lots of information. He gave students broachers and QR code to check in and get more information about UBC. 

In the session, he explained what he would expect as a student recruiter/advisor. 

If you have questions about University of British Columbia, please meet with Ms. Ackerman.


Simon Fraser University

Oct. 5th 2022

Simon Fraser University visited CDS and talked to some Seniors Wednesday afternoon. The recruiter gave them the SFU broacher and shared good amount of information.

If you were wondering about this College, please make an appointment with Mr. Ackerman discuss about the school and ask for the broacher if she still has them.

Also if you have any questions about universities in Canada, please ask Mr. Ackerman when you have a individual meeting with her. 

HK Seminar for Seniors

Oct. 4th 2022

Mr. Lee explained how it works and what to do with general information about Universities in Hong Kong. The seniors who did filled out the survey that Ms. Han sent were there to get information.

Mr. Lee gave them certain deadline for the first assignment!

Please remember what you need to do and do it ON TIME!

"LATE" should not happen! So please do everything ON TIME


Oct. SAT

Oct 1st 2022

SAT on Oct. 1st went really smoothly.

If you want to book a spot for the next SAT in December, please visit Collegeboard to register.

We cannot guaranteed that you can register the location at CDS but you should grab a chance before it is too late.

Senior's Parents Seminar

Sept. 30th 2022

It has been a while that we actually had a face to face college seminar with parents. And this year particularly, due to high interest of universities in Asia from students and parents, we hosted College Seminar just like before the COVID.

Mr. Lee informed to the group about HK, Japan, Singapore, and Korea.

We are planning on doing parents seminar more often from this year. 

If you were parents who were reading this, please check your email frequently to see if there is any other updates from us. 

Also, you can visit our website here to see if we have events for parents.


University of Hong Kong

Sept. 29th 2022

HKU representative came to CDS and shared many information with students including a video about interviewing Korean HKU students. It was very practical living stories of what to expect when you go to HK. The rep stayed after the student session with Mr. Lee and Ms. Han to have more time to talk about HKU. We exchange our thoughts and information about two hours. 

Mr. Lee is going to have a session on 4th to those who wants to apply to universities in Hong Kong. You will get informed what to do to prepare for the application process. After that session, please book Mr. Lee to get things sort out individually. 

City Univ. Hong Kong

Sept. 23th. 2022

City University Hong Kong came to CDS meeting Mr. Lee and Ms. Han to share information about City U HK. After an hour of pleasant meeting with two representatives, we found out compelling information.

They have joint bachelor's degree program with Columbia University, and also Law program that students would be excited for.

If you want to find out more, please book a meeting with Mr. Lee.

and please come to the seminar on 4th of October.


George Washington/Notre Dame/Lake Forest

Sept. 19th 2022

George Washington University, Notre Dame University, Lake Forest University visited our school and had an one hour lunch time presentation to students. The admission officers shared their broachers with students and prepared a QR code to scan to make sure they can be connected after the meeting too.

If you want to find out more about these schools, please go on to their website and come to visit Ms. Ackerman to talk about more.


Senior Project Pitch Event

Sept. 16th 2022

It was a great afternoon with Senior Project Pitch Event.

All senior pitched their ideas of senior projects getting some feedback from 6 different teachers including Ms. Ackerman from College Counseling and Mr. Baker, Middle School Assistant Director among many other teachers and admins.

Just like this, we are encouraging all students to make an appointment with our college counselors to talk about your own plans for the colleges.

We will give you some advices and answers so that you can choose the better options. 

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Han.


Williams and Pomona Colleges

Sept. 13th 2022

Today, Williams College and Pomona College shared amazing  information about their colleges and also about admission. They were the admission officers who decide students' acceptance. They explained not only about their colleges, but also what they were looking for the students to have. It was the same as what Ms. Ackerman already explained to you in the seminars we had before. These two admission officers were very nice to talk with and we will continue to have relationship with these officers, of course.

Many students were there to get some information and asked good questions. Students were eager to find out more about these liberal arts colleges.  And if you have questions, please make an appointment with Ms. Ackerman and ask her about colleges, she is the expert.

Swarthmore College could not make it today, but the officer will contact Ms. Ackerman to share their information in the near future.

If you want to find out more about these schools or some questions about liberal arts colleges, please contact Ms. Ackerman and book her to talk full 30minutes with her to get advice. 


Boston University Session

Sept. 7th. 2022

First college visit in four years!

Boston University cut the tape and visited CDS today!

It was second time for BU representative to come to CDS and she gave an informative session in the Dalton Hall.

34 of our CDS students were there to get the information and learn things about Boston University.

This college visit was first in very long time because of the COVID-19. 

From this year, we will have more opportunities to meet colleges from the world.



Orientation for 10th & 9th grade

Sept. 1st 2022

Aug. 31st (with 10th grade) and Sept. 1st (with 9th grade) we did orientations for online Korean course to complete Korean Curriculum. 

As of today, we informed all what to do this weekend.

Please do what you must, and when you get the email with the instruction, please follow it exactly. 

Senior Seminar about USA

Aug. 31st 2022

Very glad to see all the seniors who signed up for today's important seminar!

As you informed from the seminar, you need to do certain steps to apply colleges the RIGHT WAY. In order to do so, you must visit us and talk sincerely about yourself and keep on coming to us.

Happy to see many of you already made an appointment with Ms. Ackerman right after the meeting.

If you have any questions, and concerns, please talk to us.

Again, you must go through our office when you apply colleges in any parts of the world. So, please make THE time to find us.

See you soon!


Orientation for Senior and Junior

Aug. 30th 2022

Monday with Senior, Tuesday with Junior, we had very important orientation for those who wants to complete Korean curriculum. 

Great to see you all in the meeting.

If you have any questions please contact Ms. Han right away.

We will continue to have orientation for 10th and 9th grade this week.

And we will begin the online Korean course from next Monday.

Online Korean Class Orientation

Aug. 24th. 2022

Dear CDS,


There will be Orientations next week for those who surveyed to complete Korean Curriculum.

Please check your email to what to do! :D

Have a great weekend

Image by ibmoon Kim
화면 캡처 2022-08-17 155308.png

College Counseling 101

Aug. 16th 2022

Dear CDS Teachers,


Thank you so much for coming to the College Counseling 101 today!

As we told you in the meeting, 

we are here for you if you have any questions

and now~ you know where to find us!


See you again soon!

Important Survey

Aug. 15th 2022

Dear CDS,


Happy 광복절!! Liberation Day!!!!

Hope y'all are having peaceful day!


I really want to remind you to fill out the form that Ms. Han sent you last week! If you have not, please check your school email!!!

That survey is VERY IMPORTANT

and has the deadline set as 22nd 00:00!!!

(which means~ 21st 24:00)

the survey will be closed right at that time and after the closing time, 

you cannot answer the questions!!!

Then, you cannot take those important classes!

Image by Scott Graham
Image by Nick Fewings

New Teachers Are Here!

Aug. 5th 2022

Dear CDS,


New faculties are arrived CDS today!

They are very excited to meet all of you and 

looking forward to seeing y'all in person!


Have a restful rest of the break and see you soon!!

New Students Orientation

Aug. 4th. 2022

There was a new students orientation for highschool today!


Hope to see you all soon to talk about your future!!!

You can book us via this website under "Staff"

If you have any questions, please ask Ms. Han

visiting the office (1st fl next to the elevator),

sending an email (


Welcome to CDS!!

Image by Nico Smit
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