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Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Visit

June. 15th 2023

It's been four straight years the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies representative came to our school to talk with Mr. Lee sharing information. Since COVIDS is gone, this time we invited parents and students for the session. Even though the number of participants were less than the survey we did, it was rather cozy and comfortable for the participants and the rep to sharing information and asking questions.

The rep brought us the booklet of 2024학년도 수시 모집요강.

If you were interested in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, please stop by and get one for your information.

If you cannot come or you missed today's chance to learn about the college, please make an appointment with Mr. Lee for in depth individual meetings for your college application.

Sungkyunkwan University Visit

June. 13th 2023

Sungkyunkwan University reps were here at CDS on 13th of June!

They had a meeting with Mr. Lee before the seminar with many parents and students. 65 students and parents came to this meeting and it was informative session with QnA at the end. 

Last week the representative already sent us boxes of their booklet called Kingo Spring 2024, 성대로 가는 길. This booklet was shared with everyone who came to the meeting. The book has a lot of information that you'd like to know about.

If you missed today's chance to learn Sunkyunkwna University, please stop by or book a meeting with Mr. Lee and ask for the book for you to keep, too. 



June. 10th 2023

After the Arch Day yesterday, we are having the post-COVID graduation ceremony!

No masks were needed, and most of family member could join the ceremony, and our famous lunch buffet was back, too!

The lunch was perfect,

everybody worked really hard throughout the year,

and the ceremony was nice!

Congratulation Class 2023!!!

You will be missed!!!

College Counseling believes in you!

You will have a wonderful journey of your college lives!

Gwangju Institute of Science and Techonology

June. 2nd 2023

GIST came to CDS today and met with our high school parents and students. The GIST rep gave a presentation sharing lots of information about the school.

Many parents were at the session getting all the information that the rep presenting, and had a QnA session at the end.

If you have any questions about GIST, please don't hesitate to make an appointment with Mr. Lee.

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Online Meeting with 10th Grade Parents

June 1st 2023

Mr. Lee had three sessions of online meetings in a row with 10th grade parents. Many parents made it to the online meeting and learned very important information. The last session was QnA session and some parents could not find the zoom link but don't you worry. You can always make an appointment with Mr. Lee and ask some questions individually.

Hope this sessions opened our 10th grade parents' eyes and minds. We are looking forward to meeting all of 10th grade parents and students soon.


Ritsumeikan Univesrity

May 25th 2023

Ritsumeikan University came to CDS to share their collegee information. Ms. Han show the reps around our school facilities for 25 minutes. They were very impressed by our school environment.

The reps met with Mr. Lee before the session with the students for 30 minutes. They updated some information with Mr. Lee.

After the meeting with Mr. Lee, Ritsumeikan reps gave a presentation to students and shared their brochures, and pens. If you have any questions, please have an individual meeting with Mr. Lee.


May 26th 2023

POSTECH came to CDS and had a very informative session with CDS parents and students. POSTECH thoughtfully sent us a full box of booklets and fans a day before so that everyone in the meeting can have the college information book and the mascot fan. 

The rep shared lots of information during the session and had a QnA time at the end. He also talked with Mr. Lee quite some time to update and promote POSTECH!

If you missed your chance to learn about this school, please come visit Mr. Lee to find out more about this school.


Networking with Australia Universities

May. 22nd 2023

Ms. Ackerman was invited to a big Australia Universities networking event on May 19th. She had the chance to talk with representatives from a wide range of Australian universities.

If you were interested in universities in Australia, you should contact Ms. Ackerman and share your interests!!

If you have any questions you know where to find us!


Senior Seminar

May 19th 2023

Mr. Lee was with the seniors who want to apply universities in Korea. He shared important information and what to prepare and expect from now on.

You will need individual meetings with Mr. Lee. Also, please make sure to meet the deadline that you were asked. 

If you couldn't make it today, please book Mr. Lee next week to learn what you missed.

Monthly Meetings

May 15th 2023

As you know, for those who wish to be on Korean-university-track, you must take Korean and social class every year. We've done monthly meetings for them. This month, we decided to do it after AP test starting 16th-19th.

We will have meeting by grade:

May 16th with 9th grade

May 17th with 10th grade

May 18th with 11th grade

May 19th with 12th grade

Attendance will be taken at the door!

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Lee or Mrs. Lee


Digital SAT

May. 6th 2023

We had a student came to take the test who did not know it changed to Digital. We had to send him back home because there was no other way to take SAT now.

Please when you registered for SAT, check your emails to understand how it work, and what you need to download on your computer before the test.

The device should be fully charged because we cannot provide the charging stating. 

If you have any questions about Digital SAT please visit Collegeboard to find out the accurate information about the test.

Yonsei University Luncheon

Apr. 29th 2023

Mr. Lee was invited to Yonsei University Luncheon on Saturday. 

This Luncheon was a special event inviting former teachers of excellent first year students. It was to celebrate the students finished their freshmen year really good with awesome grades adjusting their college lives well at Yonsei University.

Two of our Class 2021 alumni requested Mr. Lee to come for the Luncheon, and Mr. Lee was happy to be there for them. Yonsei University noticed both of two excellent students asked the same teacher to be at the event, so they took some photos of Mr. Lee and the students, and interviewed them too.

College Counseling department is very proud and glad to see our students are doing really well on their college lives after CDS!


College Fair 0426

Apr. 26th 2023

12 colleges from Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah States came to our school and met with students and parents.

We had AP mock exam, sports games, and rehearsal on the same time frame but it turned out really great.

College representatives were happy to talk with our students. Many students left with happy face and handful of brochures and souvenirs from colleges.

If you have any questions, please book Ms. Ackerman for further information.

College Event in Seoul

Apr. 25th 2023

Right after Johns Hopkins session, Ms. Ackerman went to Glion, Les Roches, and Ducasse College Event in Seoul. She had reunion with her colleagues and met with admission officers from the colleges.

Through the event Ms. Ackerman had broaden her knowledge of the hospitality colleges even more. If you have any questions about these school or the field of hospitality, please make an appointment with Ms. Ackerman for individual meetings. 


Johns Hopkins University

Apr. 25th 2023

The director of the recruitment and the admission officer from Johns Hopkins University came to CDS today. Ms. Ackerman had a great meeting with them before the session.

The session was successful with many students. All student who came to the session got the brochure and got to hear about Johns Hopkins University.

If you missed this chance, you can make an appointment with Ms. Ackerman to find out more about Johns Hopkins.

 Full Sail University & Unversity of San Francisco

Apr. 24th 2023

Full Sail University and University of San Francisco came to CDS today met with Ms. Ackerman and students.

If you have any questions about these schools, please make an appointment with Ms. Ackerman and find out more about the schools.

If you have any questions please contact us!

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Upcoming College Visits and Fair

Apr. 20th 2023

Dear CDS,

There will be two days in a row college visits with three different schools next week.

These visits are open to our CDS high school students only.

Monday : Full Sail University, and University of San Francisco.

Tuesday: Johns Hopkins University.

Both are during the Lab and the survey are sent to students.

Only students who fill out the form can join with us.

On Wednesday, there will be another College Fair.

It is open to all CDS HS parents and students!

Check the Event for the list of the schools.

Study Melbourne College Counsellor Workshop Seoul 2023

Apr. 14th 2023

Ms. Ackerman went to "Study Melbourne College Counsellor Workshop - Seoul 2023" on 14th April.

Through this workshop Ms. Ackerman gained further insight into a group of universities in the region of Victoria, Australia.

If you have any questions about universities in Australia. Please book Ms. Ackerman.


College Fair 0417

Apr. 17th 2023

We had amazing European colleges today!

The college representatives were happy to see the students and parents at the fair!

Bocconi University (Italy)

IE University (Spain)

Constructor University (Germany)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/Carl Benz School of Engineering (Germany)

Modul University Vienna (Austria)

Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)

If you have any questions about these schools, please make an appointment with Ms. Ackerman.

Cialfo Update

Apr. 18th 2023

Ms. Ackerman and Ms. Han was on private session with Cialfo today.

Cialfo is the system we use for applying colleges.

Cialfo wanted to update on their new tools and the news about  launching a new part of the system.

We also asked some questions that we want to know more or wish to have of Cialfo and they were very helpful. We shared our experience with them and we will update each other frequently. 


California Baptist University

Apr. 11th 2023

California Baptist University (CBU) representative came to CDS and met with Ms. Ackerman.

If you have any question about this university, please visit Ms. Ackerman to find out more.

Parent Teacher Conference

Apr. 4th 2023

Dear all,

Please remember college counseling department is open for whole school year as if it is parent teacher conference everyday.

You can book us the same way as usual.

Go to Staff and find your counselor!

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Han.

Private Meeting
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Seminar: Admission, Universities in Korea with Senior Parents 

Mar. 31st 2023

Thank you all the parents who came for the seminar!

Mr. Lee's Annual Parents' group meeting for Senior was successfully done.

The seminar was specifically for Seniors' parents who want to apply Korean universities. And, the participation was amazing.

Many Senior Parents made the time to come to the seminar getting up-to-date information about universities in Korea.

It was almost 2 full hours but many parents stayed even after the meeting thanking Mr. Lee and said it was very informative.

Some of them couldn't get to talk to Mr. Lee afterwards, but don't worry!

If you have any questions about today's seminar,

or if you have any questions about colleges in

Korea, HK, Japan, Singapor, and other Asian countries,

please book Mr. Lee!

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Mark Your Calendar

Mar. 14th 2023

Please mark your calendar for upcoming events!

We are glad to inform you that many colleges will visit us!

Three college fairs with 23 colleges

Washington University St. Louis

and Johns Hopkins University

They are coming to CDS!!!


Check the Event page!

You will get emails about these soon!

College Fair

Mar. 29th. 2023

It was a great turn out !

CDS appreciates the representatives for visiting us sharing information!!

And, College Counseling is grateful for those who came to the fair!!

Thank you all!

For this fair, 15 different schools came and they were very happy to meet CDS parents and students.

We will have more college fairs in April.

Hope to see you again there!


March Digital SAT

Mar. 13th. 2023

The first Digital SAT at CDS was successful!

There was not a single glitch of any kind!

But there were 4 non-CDS students had to go back home even before the test started because they were not fully prepared for the test!


If you couldn't successfully download the app on your device, please find one with the app friendly. It would be too late if you found out your device won't download the app at the test center.

And your name should be the same as your ID. In Korea, only your passport or 민증/청소년증 can be your ID.


Also, even if you brought a photo copy of your passport, it is not valid!

Do you have dual citizenship? In this case, you should take one side for the test. If you were registered with your Korean name, you should bring your Korean Passport. And, if you were registered with your American name, you must bring your US Passport.

Please read one more time Digital SAT page on our website and be ready!

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March Monthly Meeting Week

Mar. 10th 2023

Through out the week, Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee had monthly meetings with the students by grades. From Tuesday to Friday, they have met with 9-12 grade students who are taking online classes for getting Korean Education Credential. 

Students, please do what you need to do and check your "Notification" for detail. Most importantly, plan smart to finish all! DO NOT BE LATE!

If you have any questions, please ask Mr. Lee or Mrs. Lee.

March Digital SAT

Mar. 10th. 2023


This Saturday, we will have the first Digital SAT at CDS.

You cannot come into the building unless you were one of test takers or the proctors. Please be quiet during the test time if you were on campus. 

This is everyone's first time to switch to Digital!!

Best wishes!! and Good Luck!

Working on Laptop

HongKong PolyTech Univ.

Mar. 3rd 2023

It was a busy day with many different events but thanks to those who signed up and actually came to the session.

You learned about this school today and if you have any questions about the school, application process, and what to prepare, please make an appointment with Mr. Lee and ask him about it.

Stay tuned with our website and emails for event announcements.

Junior Mandatory Session w. Ms. Ackerman

Mar. 1st. 2023


Today you were exposed to full of information!

You should have some questions and concerns after today.

Please make an appointment with our counselors to have in depth conversation individually.

If you have any questions, you know where to find us!

Don't hesitate to contact us via email too!

Calendar Pages

March Events

Feb. 28th 2023

Dear CDS,

We will have Korean/Social Online class sessions by grade from March 7th to 10th. Start with 9th graders on Tuesdays 7th!

Please check your email for detail info.

Also, we have Digital SAT coming soon. Make sure to bring everything you need if you are taking the test!

We will host College Fairs too!

Keep checking your email and this website frequently to learn more information!

If you have any questions, please email Ms. Han or stop by for a short questions.

Junior Mandatory Session w. Mr. Lee

Feb. 17th 2023

First face to face meeting with Class 2024 today!

Except two students who got sick, all Junior attended the session and they've learned a lot of information.

Juniors! You have a lot to digest now!

And as we always say, please make an appointment and visit us and talk so that we can figure it out together!!

Leadership Presentation

College Fairs in March and April

Feb. 16th 2023

Dear CDS,

I am very happy to announce that we are hosting college fairs this year in March and April!

Keep up with your emails and this website to learn more about it!

I will update more detail of fairs when things are fixed!

Info sessions

Feb. 1st 2023

Info sessions about Korean/Social online courses for all highschool students are happening this week!

Jan. 30th with 9th graders

Jan. 31st with 10th graders

Today with 11th graders

and tomorrow with 12th graders.

Korean and Social classes are must-take classes for those who want to apply universities in Korea.

If you have questions or confused, please come to find us!

Book Mr. Lee via our Staff page

and if you have a short questions, just knock on the door and come in!

Closeup of pen and notepad
Computer Store

​한국학력인증 세션

Jan. 26th 2023

Dear CDS,

Please check your email to see when you need to be where.

Mr. Jeonghee Lee and Mrs. Jungsoon Lee will share with you important information about the online courses.

You should take Korean, and Social online courses every year to get 한국학력인증. 

Please don't forget to come to the meeting.

Volunteer Hours

Jan. 20th. 2023

Dear Seniors,

If you got an email about volunteer hour from Ms. Han, please check in with her or submit your documents if you have more so that Ms. Han can update your file and check how many hours you have.

Remember, you need at least 60 volunteer hours to graduate!

Plan smart! and finish this easy one soon :D

Alarm Clock

Happy Lunar Year!

Jan. 20th 2023

Happy Lunar Year!

새해 복 많이 받으세요!

It could be easily the coldest days during the Lunar Year Break.

Be careful of the weather and have a happy holiday with your family!

See you on Wednesday!

Midterm Week

Jan. 16th 2023

This week is the test week!

Have you done your work?

if you did, don't worry, don't be nervous, just focus! :D

Hope you all have a great result of what you prepared.

White Sand and Stone
Back to School

Welcome Back!

Jan. 9th 2023

Happy New Year!

Hope you had a wonderful winter break!!

As always, College Counseling is open to you when you need us!

Please book us via Staff.

If you wanna find out more about us, click our names on the Staff page, you will find our hidden greetings there!

Let's have a wonderful rest of the school year!!!

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